Unexpected Cost of Minimizing

For quite a time, I've been interested in minimalism; yet never really knew how to move toward that goal. I always found the time or even money as an excuse. Regularly I debated creating a capsule wardrobe or slimming down our kid's toys, but it just seemed too hard.

But, the last few weeks we’ve been forced to become minimalists, downsizing and sorting through everything we own so we can become full-time rvers. Once we began, it wasn't too emotional to let go of our excessive belongings. It truthfully was a relief. But it was overwhelming going through so much stuff; it also made me sick, seeing how we have spent so much of our hard-earned money on all this unneeded clutter. 

In the process of downsizing we have divided our belongings into five categories: sell, trash, donate, keep (for the rv), storage unit. On Monday, I headed to Goodwill with a truck full of donations. I climbed into the truck bed to hand boxes down to the employee; when I was done, I sat down on the tailgate to slide off. As I pushed myself forward, my shorts got caught on a bolt, and I fell flat on the asphalt 😂😜. My foot hurt, but I chalked it up to soreness from the fall. 

Later that evening, it was painful to walk, and I noticed my foot was swelling and bruising; and started to question if maybe I truly injured myself. Finally, on Wednesday, I decided I needed to go to Immediate Care for an x-ray. Long story short, I broke my left fifth metatarsal and am currently in a walking cast (boot). Between six to eight weeks, I will start weaning off the boot; before we hit the road! And hopefully will be back to normal in 10 weeks.

Coming Soon: Tour our RV (we pick it up from the dealership tomorrow)!

Why "The Waiting Place?"

Being a full-time RV family and traveling across the US was never a serious thought in our minds...until recently. We came about the idea in a very roundabout way. Though, as we look back, we realize many things over the last few years have self-aligned for this crazy adventure to be an option. So let us begin back in the fall of 2019.

While on maternity leave with True, the hospital where I worked permanently shut its doors, leaving me unemployed. While blissfully soaking in our new baby, I opted to start a graphic design and writing freelancing business instead of searching for a new, outside-the-home job.

Five months later, Covid-19 rocked the world. Like all the other schools, Valor’s Montessori shut down, and he finished his (pre)school year at home. Covid continued to dictate our lives, and Valor attended a Virtual Academy for Kindergarten. Finally, for first grade, he attended in-person public school. That same fall, Nick quit his 9-5 job and went full-time working for himself.

In October (2021), we started talking about wanting to move. We were completely over the Chicago winters and hated the general lack of motivation during months of darkness and frigid temperatures. For the birds, we say! 

After endless online research, we took two trips to eastern Tennessee; and began heavily researching how to relocate our family. Through our due diligence, we uncovered that two years of self-employed income taxes are required to be eligible for a new mortgage loan. We slammed on the brakes and found ourselves in The Waiting Place. During this time, I encountered my brain thinking a lot about the two-page spread in Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss.

The Waiting Place...

...for people just waiting.

Waiting for a train to go

or a bus to come, or a plane to go

or the mail to come, or the rain to go

or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow

or the waiting around for a Yes or No

or waiting for their hair to grow.

Everyone is just waiting.

Waiting for the fish to bite

or waiting for the wind to fly a kite

or waiting around for Friday night

or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake

or a pot to boil, or a Better Break

or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants

or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.

Everyone is just waiting.


That's not for you!

Somehow you'll escape

all that waiting and staying

You'll find the bright places

where Boom Bands are playing.

With banner flip-flapping,

once more you'll ride high!

Ready for anything under the sky.

Ready because you're that kind of a guy!

Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done!

While my thoughts frequently hovered over those thought-provoking pages penned by Dr. Suess, I kept coming back to how in life there is so much waiting and staying; think of all that we could be missing! It's a mindset to break. Personally, I don't want to waste precious time on earth simply waiting for the next thing...

About halfway through Valor’s first-grade year, we realized traditional schooling felt like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. We saw his spirit changing, and we were not interested in having a schedule dictated by the school system. As his parents, we refuse to allow the sacred wonder of childhood to evaporate so quickly. After reading books, listening to podcasts, talking to friends, and praying, we decided to homeschool Valor, starting second grade. 

High-level stars-aligning moments overview:

I work for myself (virtually) >

Nick works for himself (virtually) >

Restless and ready to move >

The decision to homeschool >

Halt on the moving front >

Enter the exhilarating idea of a full-time RV life to pass the time in our Waiting Place.

Nick and I started to re-evaluate our lives and talk through options that would be best for our family. We stayed up many late nights discussing various possibilities. Something we conversed a lot about (even years leading up to this) was essentially the imagery of a white picket fence, also known as The American Dream.

Again and again our conversations returned to, is it all that it's cracked up to be? We have the house, new car, dog, playroom full of any toy a child could want, and much more. But to us, all this stuff was honestly just an endless and exhausting cycle. Instead of spending weekends with our kids, we found many chunks of our time was in maintaining, organizing, and cleaning all this stuff. Our house and belongings were stealing time away from what we wanted most — time together. We agreed, this too is for the birds! 

Day to day, it feels like we have all the time in the world, but we don’t. (The days are long, but the years are short.) Our boys are growing up so fast, and this disillusioned life does not make sense to us as a family. 

We want to catch all the moments of our life together.

We want more time and fewer possessions to maintain.

We want our kids to hold tight to the reins of their childhoods, maintaining their child-like wonder.

We want to get lost in books and enjoy a curiosity for life while learning from the school of nature.

We want to be the family that lives an intentional life (even if it looks different than most), living in pursuit of a grand purpose.

We want an adventure that leads to tales told for many years.

We do not want to be swayed by societal pressures and chaotic schedules.

We want an extraordinary family life, making fantastic memories together and seeing more sunshiny days.

And we don't believe this is asking for too much. 

We each get one life to live, and this is it!

This life is both nothing and everything.

So you'll find us in The Waiting Place ready for anything, because there is fun to be done! 

Meet the Crew

Hi and welcome! We are so glad you’re joining us here for this grand adventure!

We are a family of four (plus dog) who are selling almost everything we own and planning the experience of a lifetime! We are currently in the process of selling our belongings in preparation to sell our home in the Chicago suburbs. We recently bought an RV and truck, to become full-time RVers and roadschoolers. Our timeline is two years to travel around many of the lower 48 states, then our plan is to settle back down in TN where the winters aren't as brutal as IL.

Let's begin with introductions...I’m Kara, the mom and main writer behind The Waiting Place. If you’re here to learn more about who we are and why we have decided to travel full-time, then you’ve come to the right place! But first, let me introduce you to our crew:

Nick is the adventure leader and the rig driver. He loves being in nature, whether it is hiking, biking or running. He is most looking forward to this RV life to experience new places with his favorite people!

Kara is a creative person through and through, always having her hand in some project or another. You can find her sipping decaf coffee, reading a good fiction book, blogging, cooking vegan recipes, and simply enjoying family time. Professionally, Kara loves to support businesses by incorporating beautiful designs. She currently works as a freelance graphic designer and content writer, specializing in advertising, marketing, and editorial design. You can see her work, along with her personal blog at KaraSmith.me.

Valor is the oldest who is a kindhearted boy that loves nature and all things creative. He enjoys drawing, engineering robot ideas in his head, and is an excellent storyteller. He lives for parties and is always up for a new adventure.

True is the youngest, whom we affectionately call “Smiley Smith,” because he has been wearing a smile on his face since birth. He’s a toddler who fiercely loves all things vehicles and looks up to his big bro.

Braxton is our dog. His original adoption papers say he’s a maltipoo, but we definitely think there is something else in that mix. We bought him off of a Craigslist post, and he has been with our family almost nine years.

6/2/22 — The day we bought our RV travel trailer!

6/4/22 — Traded in our hybrid Highlander for a gas guzzling truck.

Next post, I will share how this full-time RV life came to fruition, and how this blog got it’s name!

Follow along as we share our journey, experiences, and more!

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